Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Sunday, January 22, 2023

50 Things to Do Before You're 50: A Bucket List for Milestone Birthdays

50 Things to Do Before You're 50: A Bucket List for Milestone Birthdays, mandy charlton, photographer
Me, with Elio the Alpaca at Barnacre Alpaca's 

As I sit here, just 10 days away from hitting the big 4-9, I can't help but think about all the things I want to tick off before I reach the milestone of 50. So, I've made a list of 50 things I want to achieve. The thing is, you'll see from the list that there's quite a lot of travel and also I'd have to achieve something pretty much every week for the next year so instead I'm giving myself until the dawn of my 51st birthday. So that's 2 years and 10 days' time. Some of these things are big, and some are small, but they're all things that I'm excited to make happen.

  1. Play the Timpani - I've always been fascinated by the timpani and I want to learn how to bash those drums like a pro.

  2. See Derren Brown live - I've been a fan of Derren Brown for years and I want to see one of his mind-blowing shows live.

  3. Learn the art of mixology - I love a good cocktail and I want to learn how to shake and stir like a pro.

  4. Make a concerted effort to find a boyfriend - I've been single for a while now and I'm ready to find that special someone.

  5. Climb a mountain - I've always wanted to climb a mountain and I want to make it happen before I'm 50.

  6. Make sushi - I love sushi and I want to learn how to roll my own.

  7. Sing for my friends - I've always been a bit shy when it comes to singing, but I want to belt out some tunes for my friends and see their reactions.

  8. Go on a puffin expedition - I've always wanted to see puffins in the wild and I want to make it happen before I'm 50.

  9. Have crumble from Humble Crumble - I've heard so much about Humble Crumble's crumble and I want to try it for myself. I follow them on Instagram and it looks insane.

  10. Astrophotography - I've always been fascinated by the stars and I want to try my hand at capturing them in all their glory.

  11. See the northern lights - I've always wanted to see the northern lights and I want to make it happen before I'm 50.

  12. Hot air balloon - I've always wanted to go on a hot air balloon ride and I want to make it happen before I'm 50.

  13. See 10 musicals live - I love musicals and I want to see at least 10 of them live before I'm 50.

  14. Go to a music festival - I want to experience the energy of a music festival and make some great memories, I've been twice to the Hardwick festival but only for a few hours, I'd like to do one where it's for all weekend.

  15. Visit Disney - I've always wanted to visit Disney and I want to make it happen before I'm 50.

  16. magic mushrooms - I want to try magic mushrooms and see what kind of experience they provide, I did some crazy things in my twenties (as you should) but this would be more of a spiritual life-affirming experience.

  17. Tasting menu somewhere - I want to try a tasting menu somewhere and see what kind of flavours I can experience.

  18. Organise a karaoke musicals party - I want to organise a karaoke musicals party and see how well it goes.

  19. Hold my own film festival (80’s themed) - I want to hold my own film festival and make it 80's themed.

  20. Go on an exciting holiday - I want to go on an exciting holiday and make some great memories, I'm not entirely sure where yet but I've never been on a long-haul flight so I guess that would be a part of it.

  21. Complete NC500 - I've always wanted to complete the NC500 and I want to make it happen before I'm 50.

  22. Revisit the isle of Skye - I've been to the Isle of Skye before and I want to revisit it before I'm 50.

  23. Go island hopping - I want to explore some of the beautiful islands around the UK and make some great memories.

  24. Finish decorating my home - I've been working on decorating my home for a while now and I want to finally finish it before I'm 50.

  25. Throw a Moulin rouge-themed party - I want to throw a Moulin rouge-themed party and see how well it goes.

  26. Go to the Moulin Rouge - I've always wanted to visit the Moulin Rouge and I want to make it happen before I'm 50.

  27. Have a spa day - I want to have a spa day and relax and unwind, I've never had a spa day!

  28. Go in a hot tub - I want to experience the luxury of going in a hot tub, again, I've never been in a hot tub that I can remember.

  29. Throw a dinner party with all 3 courses - I want to throw a dinner party and serve all 3 courses.

  30. Watch the sunrise - I want to wake up early and watch the sunrise.

  31. Watch the sunset - I want to stay up late and watch the sunset.

  32. Reach 100k followers on TikTok - I want to reach 100k followers on TikTok.

  33. Visit TikTok HQ - I want to visit the TikTok HQ, I've been to Facebook so TikTok seems like the next destination.

  34. Take Abigail and Looby away for a girl's weekend that doesn’t end in disaster (definitely not to York) - I want to take Abigail and Looby away for a girl's weekend and make sure it doesn't end in disaster.

  35. Explore more of Poland - I want to explore more of Poland and see what it has to offer.

  36. Go to a big Christmas market - I want to go to a big Christmas market and experience the festive atmosphere.

  37. Visit London at Christmas - I want to visit London at Christmas and see the city all lit up.

  38. Go on at least 15 big walks/hikes - I want to go on at least 15 big walks or hikes.

  39. Go out for a bougie afternoon tea - I want to go out for a bougie afternoon tea and experience luxury.

  40. Have champagne at the top of Hadrian’s Tower - I want to have champagne at the top of Hadrian's Tower and see the views.

  41. See Deacon Blue live - I want to see Deacon Blue live and sing along to my favourite songs.

  42. Visit Greece - I want to visit Greece and experience the culture.

  43. Visit Switzerland/Austria and sing “The Sound of Music” whilst gambolling down a hill - I want to visit Switzerland or Austria and sing "The Sound of Music" whilst gambolling down a hill.

  44. Cuddle a lamb - I want to cuddle a lamb, it's self-explanatory, cuddling lambs shouldn't just be for children. I have cuddled a sheep before but never a lamb.

  45. Have a wild night out and survive! - I want to have a wild night out and survive.

  46. Go speed dating - I want to go speed dating and see if I can find someone special.

  47. Go in a cable car - I want to go in a cable car and see the views. I blooming love a cable car ride.

  48. Revisit Wales - I want to revisit Wales and explore more of the parts I've not been to.

  49. Holiday in the Highlands - I want to holiday in the Highlands and experience the natural beauty of Scotland, it won't be the first time I've holidayed there but it's my favourite place and deserves to be revisited.

  50. Visit the island of Shetland, I've wanted to go to Shetland ever since I went to John O'Groats and realised there was more of the UK another 253 miles off the coast of Scotland. If you'd like to follow along to see if I achieve my goals, I'll be filming as many of the experiences as I can for my TikTok channel so why not come and follow along to see how many things I can achieve before the bells ring to bring in my 51st birthday.


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