Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Monday, July 23, 2018

When life smacks you in the face...

Today is my first day back at my desk after being overcome with germs last week, I'd not been ill for nearly 2 years but boy did those germs smack me in the face, it had started with weird dreams and just after I wrote that post, I ended up in bed sleeping for practically 24 hours.  I managed to find the energy to work over the weekend but slept a lot in between. Oh and we also had all 3 dogs from last Thursday until today, that's a whole lot of energy, it also makes me realise just what an easy dog Holly Bobbins is, much like babies, I like my sleep too much to have a puppy!

It's my own fault, I'd been working relentless 15 hour days and pushing myself harder than one should, it's understandable though, working on a new project and getting that off the ground is hard, especially when you are risking your own life's work on it.  I am pleased to say it's all been worth it though and as those hazy lazy days of high summer come into play we are settling into calm with The Inspire Network, we took in so many members last week that we've temporarily closed our membership program to give us time to catch up, we relaunch on the 1st of August though and it's going to be big!

I'm a huge fan of vitamins to keep me going and I'd completely forgotten to stock up, another reason I think contributed to the sudden downfall of my health so when the postman knocked I nearly snatched his hand off.  Lovely company Care have just launched 3 new supplements and they're all for women like me, in our prime, in our forties, you know when you still feel young enough to conquer the world but your body says "hang on a minute, you're not 20" . Suffice to say I'm now taking their Advanced Immune Support forever, it's definitely something I need, I have no time for sick days, I have too much I want to achieve.

I'm also adding in Care collagen beauty formula because I want to keep my youthful complexion for as long as I can and it's not all about Botox and fillers you know, even though I'm a convert to those too although I think that's more often about you doing you, shouldn't everyone invest in themselves as much as possible?

I've also started taking the Care collagen joint formula because, well I walk a lot and it's in your forties when you start to notice those joint aches and pains.

I think between the 3 products I should be good to go although I have been taking a high strength Vitamin D3 and a magnesium tablet for quite some time now, they keep my brain in order and they keep me sane during the dark winter months.

Tomorrow I have 2 meetings and then we're off, Me, Harriet, Abigail and Holly Bobbins, Looby double booked herself with riding competitions which is a shame but I'm so ready to completely switch off and that's what I am actually doing this time, I've removed Messenger from my phone, I'm going to stay away from Facebook unless it's for checking in and sharing lovely holiday photos, that's totally allowable isn't it?  No work though, in fact the lovely Airbnb Cottage we're going to doesn't even have wifi.  We're having adventures in the Lake District and more adventures in the Southwest Coast of Scotland as it's smack bang in the middle and right on the Solway Estuary, it actually looks to be about a 10 minute walk from the banks of the estuary so for me, that's bliss, whenever I'm by the water it calms my soul.

To be honest the next 6 weeks will have a more laid back feel to them, our ladies at Inspire all holiday during the summer and my photography calendar isn't too overwhelming, I could take on extra work but I'm being really selective about what I do take on, it's a great feeling to be in that position.

In all probability this will be my last blog of the week, I'm aiming for once a week during the holidays, I have adventures and family time I need and want and I have no doubt at all that you'll all still be around in September when we'll all be revived and reinvigorated.

Happy Summer everyone, go make some memories!


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