Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Monday, January 29, 2018

Living My Best Life

Blowing out the candles on my birthday cake, living my best life, mandy charlton, photographer, writer, blogger

In all of the time I have been blogging, one thing has remained the same, I write best late at night or when fuelled by emotion.  So here I am, sitting at my desk, it's ten thirty and this weekend I have lived my very best life.

I think I might have enjoyed not working at weekends a little too much so my plan to keep blogging and to push to monetise it a lot more than ever before has to be a goal although I'll never sacrifice the quality of my writing so don't worry, you are safe on that count.  I just love weekends of freedom though and yes I know, I have to earn the money to have them and that's okay.  This year, my word is balance and I'd like to think that between April and December (statistically my busier period) I could plan to take more weekends off than I did last year when I only had 1 full weekend off and that was in August!

I went out for a birthday lunch today, and with friends all around me I looked at them and I was so happy in my heart that we, all from such diverse backgrounds could come together just for a couple of hours to have lunch, it made me crave to make a regular thing out of friends brunches or long lazy Sunday lunches, something I've been enjoying week upon week in January.

I'm really not sure if it's because of the fake sunshine or the Vitamin D3 but I am in love with January this year, I cannot remember a better start to the year and that's because it's been slow and glorious and I have at all times been surrounded by love and friendship.  Right here and right now, as I said to Harriet earlier, I don't need anything else in my life because I have all I've ever wanted and I hope I can carry on with this feeling because it's as close to perfection as anyone can ask for.

This weekend I've been made over courtesy of Dior, I've had dinner out at Piccolino, wonderful amazing food, slow service but it didn't matter too much. I've been surrounded by friends today at our local much beloved Northumberland Hussar and tomorrow Looby and I travel to Warkworth for a couple of days with Holly Bobbins at a lovely Northumbrian dog friendly apartment at Cross House Cottages. I can't wait to spend a few days in one of my most favourite Northumbrian villages.  I'm going to walk the legs off  Looby and Holly even if they protest!

Sometimes when you are travelling through life and the path is one of darkness, it's hard to see the light at the end of that proverbial tunnel but there's always sunshine waiting for you along the way, it's just sometimes a little obscured behind dark clouds.  I remember writing in the darkest days that all I wanted was to skip ahead, 6 months, a year because I knew that it would be better but you can't do that can you?  You have to go through every experience, bad and good, to become a better, stronger person.

I'm not especially sure what the rest of this year has in store for me, on Thursday I'll blow out some candles again I'm sure, you have to have cake on your actual birthday as well as at your birthday party.  Whatever this year has in store for me now though, I can say that I had times where my heart was full and I stood with warm sunshine on my face resting on one of the sunlit paths of life.  


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