Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Friday, March 10, 2017

Do Something To Make Yourself Smile Today

the sunshine box by pebblewise, subscription box, mental health, mandy charlton photography blog, do something to make yourself smile today

Life is pretty hard sometimes, Ferris Bueller might have said that it moves pretty fast but sometimes you seemingly get battered in the process, bills, mental health, family, kids, work, life, all of those things some days combine to leave you feeling like a used dish rag, or a crumpled piece of discarded Christmas wrapping paper.  Even the most positive people have days where they want to hide under the blankets, you want to stop the world and sometimes, at least in my case, it can be a while before you are ready to get back on it.

I have lots of things I do when these days hit to help with self-care more than anything else and even in those dark days you have to find yourself reasons to smile.  Recently the makers of the Sunshine Box got in touch to ask if they could send me one of their boxes.

The Sunshine Box from Pebblewise is a subscription box full of sunny treats, look it's not the cure to any kind of mental health issue but who wouldn't love a box of whimsical goodies, you can either choose to subscribe or you could send a one off box to a friend to make them smile, it doesn't necessarily have to be a sad time or a dark day, it could just be something to genuinely give someone a sunny surprise.

My box contained a chocolate fondue set, a candle, bath bomb some tea and an Origami rose, quite an eclectic selection and it's not something I would have ever bought for myself but it was a lovely surprise to receive in the post.

There are other boxes on the market but this one is only £15 per month and the one off boxes are also only £15 so this could be the perfect present for any occasion, especially if you're someone like me who loves random surprises.

Mental health is such a complex area and often when we first go to the doctors we're given anti-depressants and then told to go away and do nice things whilst the medication starts to work, it's happened to me and it's happened to friends, at those times you need to have coping strategies because your mental health just doesn't improve overnight, now I'm not for a moment saying that a box like the Sunshine box is the difference between the dark abyss of depression and the sunlight days of happiness and joy but it's a thing, it's £15 to show someone you are thinking about them with a selection of gifts which are at the very least something to distract you and make you smile for just a little while.

I received a complimentary sunshine box in exchange for an honest review and I'm still shopping for big marshmallows so I can try the chocolate fondue!


1 comment

  1. The little things that have the power to brighten your day and bring joy to your life. For those students approach the CIPD assignment help to learn useful tips for projects. Take a moment to reflect on the things you're grateful for in your life that have focused on positive aspects and bring a smile.


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