Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Supermums Summer Survival Kit

smart mums summer survival kit by mandy charlton

Let me introduce you to my Supermums Summer Survival and Planning Kit, I'm so excited about this,  one of my lovely friends had the chance to get hold of a whiteboard and pin board and asked me if I could recycle it, I nearly snatched her hand off I was so enthusiastic.  You see I'm a planner, I love to have things in my calendar to get excited about, and also because I work in many different ways now, I like to have it all out there before me so I can designate time to different activities and tasks and as I have tweens and teens it means the kids can never tell me that I haven't informed them of what we're doing on specific days!

So let me show you around my kit and the first thing you might notice is my sunglasses collection, this ensures I don't lose them and they're always in the same place where I can grab them before I go out of the door, I have Marc Jacobs, Anna Sui, Dewerstone and my cheapie Debenhams aviators which I love because they're so light. My Dewerstone solid wood ones are all about adventure and my Marc Jacobs and Anna Sui ones are all about style (and thrift, if you read my article of how I got both pairs for £24).  I've also got some spray on sun lotion so that no one ever gets sunburnt, to be honest with the weather in the UK as it is currently we're more likely to need a jumper but I live in hope we'll be having a scorcher by the time the kids break up from school.

In the middle you'll see my box of pens, some are for the white board and some are to fill in the summer holiday 2016 scrapbook which is just a plain book currently but it has the potential to tell the story of the best summer ever.

On the other side I have my box filled with guides to days out, places to go, and some other little booklets about not being bored!

I've also got our train ticket wallet with many adventures and train tickets already sitting in it, again this ensures I don't lose them and Holly doesn't eat them.

So every week I'll write the days on and what the plans are, the kids can decide what they want to do on free days and some of those I'll also be working.  Looby is in charge of writing the weekly list of fun tasks and I can already see that the first week is going to be a whole lot of fun, I just hope it's sunny enough for BBQ's, picnics and playing tennis in the park.

I also have my little mood calendar thing so if the worst does happen and I'm having an overwhelmed day then Looby and everyone else will know it in advance and hopefully just do some quiet snuggly stuff, it happens to all of us business parents and single super mums too!

Oh and lastly, I have a scratch off map of Britain, we'll be scratching off the places as we visit, I was going to scratch off places we've already been but there wouldn't be a lot of map left.  

I am still holding out for some overseas sunshine at the end of the summer holidays but even if I don't quite manage that we've got plenty to look forward to.  Do you have a summer survival kit, will you be making one?  I'd love you to share them with me.


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