Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Need a photographer during April?

Once again I find myself half way through the month before I've had a chance to actually sit down and write my list but that day has come, Looby finally returned to school today and I returned to a desk which looks like it's got a mountain under it, so much going on that I am willing myself to catch up on, collaborations with Resmed (can I just say how much I adore their  S+ sleep monitor and the sleep mentor is helping me get a better nights sleep every single night) and I'm whipping up my own personal list of things to do with some amazing coconut oil sent to me by the lovely people at Vita Coco, Rome, as they say was not built in a day though and it's very much a one day at a time thing currently.

April though, the month of showers, also the month when spring really hits the North East of England, I noticed on my daily walk with Holly yesterday that the buds were starting to open on the trees, there are daffodils in Heaton Park carpeting the ground and the sound of the birds chirruping is almost deafening when compared to the stillness of the winter months.  Everywhere I travel to I see lambs gambolling in the fields, new life is all around, the magic of spring.

newcastle photographer, mandy charlton, weddings, portraits, north east england

Now it may be that you are looking for a photographer in Newcastle, maybe you are getting married and still deciding on who you might want to shoot your wedding or maybe you're finally getting around to organising those family portraits you keep putting off, well it just so happens that I know a very good North East photographer, yes of course it's me and I have 3 little offers if you need one.

15% off all midweek weddings, I'm looking to shoot just a couple more this year so if that's you get in touch.

For the rest of the month you can get a 45 minute session at Tynemouth, Jesmond Dene or Saltwell Park for only £30 instead of £45, it's the perfect excuse to get outdoors!

I've also extended the all inclusive mini sessions to run until the end of April, just £125 for 30 minutes with all of the edited images via a digital download, a most splendid offer if ever there were one.

To enquire about any of those offers email me 

Looby, after successfully returning to school yesterday is about to depart for Wales on a farming trip from the 22-29th April and so I am looking to fill that week with a suitable travel assignment, if you are looking in and you think you may be able to use either my writing or photography skills for your travel based assignment please Get In Touch!

If you've just found yourself melting in a pile of cute from some of the adorable newborns at home sessions above you'll understand why I love my job so much, newborns at home covers any babies under the age of 6 months, they're unlimited in time although as a guide they can take anywhere from 1-3 hours depending on the individual babies, I really do specialise in capturing babies with their older siblings, not an easy task and I've likened it to being a police negotiator and it's definitely a skill I have which others might not so if you have a new baby due and you've already got kids then I might just be the photographer you need to capture the early days at home.  Photographing toddlers with their new siblings is so special when it works and in the end it always works.

I hope your April is full of springy lambs and floral arrangements or ranunculus and anemones, I often lament that I can't get any in February and March whilst the people of the south are welcoming spring, every year it seems I forget just how long spring takes to get from one end of the country to the other.  One thing is certain though, spring always comes...

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