Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

When your child in in hospital, why I support the junior doctors strike.

There's nothing worse than when your children are poorly, as a parent there's only so much you can do until you yourself feels completely useless and when your child ends up in hospital it's a million times worse.

I was speaking to a friend of mine who actually took part in the fight for parents to be able to stay with their children in hospital, for that I am truly thankful.

You all know Looby is a bright,bouncy unicorn even if we occasionally have tween angst.  I can tell you that seeing the light vanish from her has been the scariest thing.  For anyone who has t been following my updates Looby is currently in the RVI with orbital cellulitis.  On Sunday she had an operation to scrape her sinuses and surgeons also drilled a hole in her forehead to put a drain in.  Since Friday we have been in an eternal cycle of pain, morphine, tests, CT scans, more tests and still today we are here with her sleeping better but still waking up crying with pain until morphine has been administered.

It's all been very concerning but the doctors and nurses are amazing, the level of care is incredible and we are so lucky that we still have the NHS, can you imagine having 3 CT scans in 2 days if you were in the USA, the costs would be prohibitive.  

Our NHS is a wonderful, beautiful British institution, free healthcare for all, no matter what age, status or circumstance.  When Looby needed an operation on Sunday it was a combination of a 2 consultants and a senior registrar who performed the surgery.  We have seen consultants every single day and yesterday we saw the very top eye doctor in the whole of the hospital (she's lovely) and they're monitoring her eye sight so closely as she's got some problems from the infection.

Today as the junior doctors strike happens I'd like to throw my hat in to say I support the junior doctors strike.  The doctors, all of the doctors work under the most immense stress and pressure making life or death decisions, I can't even imagine how that feels.  Yesterday even though our consultant had a day off he still consulted from home about loobys care.  I don't think it's possible to feel more cared for.  The nurses are just incredible, there for the parents as much as the children, that hug I received just after I kissed  and said goodbye to my poorly child as she slipped under the anaesthetic was the most needed hug I've ever had.

Quite wrongly the NHS is not today run by doctors but by politicians and beurocrats.  The decline of the NHS is wholly upon their heads, not the nurses and doctors who love their jobs so much, those who always give more than is asked.

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