Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Italy and Amsterdam from above

I'm sitting here on my sofa, it's 8am and it's the 1st of December, the rain is throwing itself at the ground in an angry tantrum and I'm looking at a smooth silky beagle sitting in front of a sparkly festive 7 foot Christmas tree!

How did this happen dear reader, how can it be, for example, that on Saturday I was wearing a summer dress and flip flops in Palma de Mallorca and now I'm back in freezing cold wintry Newcastle thinking I really must start the Christmas shopping.

I have to say that I had the best adventures in Europe whilst on assignment for Cruise International magazine but if you want to know the low down on my adventures in 4 countries in 4 days you'll have to queue up to buy the magazine on 20/2/16 as I can't talk about it until then, I promise though that it will be worth the wait.

What I can do though is share something I shot from the aeroplane on my way to meet the Norwegian Epic in Rome.  I had great seats on my KLM flights on the way there, not so much on the way back, I couldn't even see out of the windows but oh my, I managed to book 2 comfort seats on my journeys from Newcastle to Schipol and then Schipol to Rome and you know I love to view places from above, well you just can't get much higher up than an aeroplane, the world looks so beautiful and peaceful.  When we took off from Schipol the weather wasn't great but as we flew towards the verdant coloured canvases of  Italy below it was like the summer had returned,  if only for a brief respite.

I love that it's really obvious which photos are beautiful Italy in the sunshine and cold, stormy Holland in the rain, it sort of makes me want to up sticks and leave but to be honest I found that the people of Italy are so ambivalent towards tourists I'm not sure I'd want to reside there.  The tour guide at the leaning tower of Pisa told us he'd had enough, we should go now and then went and hid in a cupboard, I kid you not, you'd never get away with that kind of behaviour if you were a tour guide at a British attraction!

November was a crazy month on the whole, lots of bad weather got in the way of outdoor photo shoots and I feel that I've been forever trying to play catch up and of course it now means that January is already filling fast for portrait sessions.  I mostly get excited when I see I have an indoor session coming up and as we veer towards Christmas I think indoor photos in front of Christmas trees always have the most magical qualities.

Now here we are on the very first day of December and it promises to be a brilliant month both professionally and personally, I have a deadline for my cruise article of 20/12 but I need to get on to that in the next week really so I can clearly remember every detail and I can't wait to tell you all about it but for now it's back to the rainy cold reality of December, the promise of Christmas lies teasingly peeking around the corner inviting us in to the most wonderful time of the year.

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