Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Friday, December 04, 2015

A Doctor Who Themed Wedding for Lucy and Paul

It's not every day you meet a couple at a photo shoot and they tell you that one day they're going to get married and have a Doctor Who themed wedding, I remember meeting Lucy and Paul and knowing we were going to be friends because we had so much in common, not least of all our mutual appreciation of Doctor Who although I think Paul gets all of the bonus points, he's got to be the ultimate Doctor Who fan I think, the fact that he even looks like the Tenth Doctor obviously has something to do with it but I can honestly say that I don't think I've ever met anyone with a bigger knowledge of all things Whovian.

So skip to the end of October this year and the day finally arrived, I was so excited, not only was it Doctor Who themed but we'd also planned to do a first look and spend lots of time shooting portraits before the wedding, it's always amazing when you work with a couple who completely get you and don't bat an eyelid when you discuss shopping for jelly babies in your wedding dress, yeah it's not every day that happens and I have to say a big thanks to The Co-operative in Whitley Bay for letting us come in with our mad ideas for just a few moments, it's sad the same can't be said for Sainbury's who really went down in my estimations that day by refusing to let us in (boo to you Sainsbury's we thought you were the fun supermarket).  Lucy and Paul got married at St Pauls Church in Whitley Bay, they then walked through the Park View Shopping centre (as you do) and had an informal gin filled reception at the Jam Jar Cinema where they'd met for the very first time at a Doctor Who convention

I adore Lucy and Paul, Lucy is bright, determined, fierce and beautiful and I'm sure that Paul won't mind me describing him as a true gentleman and perhaps one of the last brilliant eccentric gentlemen we have in England.  They're such fun to spend time with and somehow we always manage to get sidetracked because well, we just have lots in common.  I am not ashamed to describe Paul and Lucy's wedding as my most favourite wedding I've ever shot, mostly it was completely bonkers but also it was filled with love and affection and a couple who truly adore each other.

Shall we get on with those all important photographic highlights?

Lucy and Paul, may you have beautiful moments every day in your heart, your lives and your love with much love from me.

If you are planning a wedding that's different to the norm and you'd like to talk to me about shooting it please do get in touch, I only shoot a maximum of 10 weddings a year because of travel photography commitments but I still have just a couple of dates left for next year.  I tend to photograph weddings that are a wee bit different, it suits my style and with over 10 years of experience you'll be in very safe hands, to contact me you can go to my website, my facebook page or you can email me directly


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