Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Thursday, May 22, 2014

UK Cityscapes, a cornucopia of postcards from your city

It's Thursday, the weather is quite frankly miserable and so I thought it would be a good time to have a recap of our cities visited so far and some of the postcards from the UK Cityscapes project

There are 16 days left of the initial sponsorship phase and if you are a business or an individual there are some great ways you can get involved and you'll have the opportunity to own some lovely art or to bag yourself the amazing opportunity to have your name in the book or if you are a business there's the strictly time limited opportunity to become a business investor and reap many benefits for your business so lets just take a look at some of my favourite postcards from both mine and your cities so far!

Initially this wasn't included as part of the project however I think it's the perfect dusk picture of my lovely city Newcastle

by contrast I love this gloriously sunny image of Liverpool including the yellow submarine, I have to tell you though that it may look like it was the most gorgeous summers day but it was absolutely freezing, Looby and I were practically ice-pops by the time we got back to our hotel that evening.

The day before it had not been quite so bright and sunny, you can see the radio tower here and -

That brings us to this one which was taken from the top of that very same radio tower, teetering 400ft in the air you get the most incredible views of Liverpool, if you visit you must make the effort to go because it's that experience which inspired the whole project.

My beautiful city Newcastle, it's often compared to Liverpool and yes there are similarities but we have the best bridges by far, they're our iconic statements across the river Tyne, the Tyne Bridge itself is instantly recognisable even if you're not from the region.

This is the other direction looking up the river Tyne

Ah the river at Durham, it looks like you're in the country but it's in the city, I love the hourly river cruises in Durham, I love them everywhere really, I love the journeys more than the destinations some times, I think it's exciting that I get to embrace my love of travel and give me trains over planes any day of the week!

Carlisle, petite little city and in fact the only city in Cumbria

and Sunderland where it was wet and murky the day I was there but I still found beauty although many of my vantage points were from the top of car parks rather than historic monuments sadly and you can't really feel the romance from the roof of a car park

Mowbray Park in Sunderland is without a doubt a very pretty park, if you've ever been in Sunderland on a weekend afternoon you'll see a myriad of brides and grooms trooping across the bridge from the registry office along with their photographers to get those all important portraits and some times the group shots too as Sunderland registry office is more brutalist than beautiful

Edinburgh remains of course my favourite city, I have so much heritage relating to Scotland and I've never had a bad day out in Edinburgh and even though I've been visiting for years there are still always new views to find

Glasgow is a place I've only discovered over the last few years but I've really grown to love it, you're never far from culture or great architecture, I do hope that when Scotland vote on independence they decide to stay in the UK, I really don't want to have to take my passport on trips to Scotland.  Incidentally I am having a vote on which city I should visit next on my Facebook business page, at the moment it looks like I'll be going to Stirling on Sunday, go vote on either Stirling, Leeds, Manchester, Lincoln or Sheffield.

York, city number 8 of 69 and another favourite city for me, it's just pretty and beautiful everywhere you look, it's like someone decided they'd like to design a city which would look great in postcards, a bit like Edinburgh in that respect, so steeped in history you feel you're wading up to your knees in stories of the past.

I love the Shambles area of York, it's like travelling back in time, each tiny store sells unique items, I almost wish there were more streets like this in every city full of bustling speciality retailers, it really is quite a magical place and I can't encourage a visit to York highly enough, you'll just never forget it.

So I hope you enjoyed that recap of places I've seen and the cities to which I have been and I hope you're now voting on which city I should go to next or you've just used the opportunity to bag a sensational perk and sponsor the project.


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