Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Maize Mazes, Fruit Picking and a lovely morning at Brockbushes

It's a bank holiday weekend and so we decided that we needed to atleast attempt a day out with the whole family, we sort of fell at the first hurdle because Iain wasn't even out of bed but thats teenagers for you, excuse the mix of iPhone and Instagrams in this post, I do actually like the iphone HDR photos though and don't always want everything to be square!

We'd heard about the Maze Maize at Brockbushes, just outside of Corbridge in Northumberland and so we set off for the maze after a hearty breakfast in their tea rooms, you can't complain at a full english breakfast plus toast and coffee for under a fiver!

The maze is huge, it's designed in the shape of an owl, well it would be if you could see it with a helicopter!

here's me and Looby pretending we're in the jungle!

It has pretty sunflowers at the edge of it, it's funny but when I'm in these Mazes I always feel like im in that classic movie "Field of Dreams"

Looby found a corn cob proving that yes the Maize was err actually Maize

Onwards we marched towards the middle, I have to say that there were points where I felt like I'd just paid £10 to have arguements about which direction we should go in

Finally we made it to the middle and let me tell you that it wasn't quite so hard to get back out thankfully!  After the maze we decided to go and pick our own fruit as demonstrated here by Looby

at one point she turned to me and said "I love plums mammy but not as much as I love you"

we were careful not to pick too many because you know you can get carried away in these situations but we got some plums, raspberries and broad beans for the princely sum of £5.91

Meandering Paul was in a sunny mood so we all had a lovely time, after the fruit picking we went to the farm shop and picked up ingredients for tonights dinner, gammon with a honey and mustard glaze followed by Eton Mess using raspberries instead of strawberries.

While we were roaming the fields we noticed they were growing pumpkins so you can be sure we'll be back in a few weeks for some pumpkin patch photos.  I also noticed that at Halloween their maize maze becomes a field of screams, will I be brave enough to enter I'm not sure but I think Meandering Paul will be back there, he likes to be scared, he'd probably tell you thats why he married me ;)



  1. Lovely Sunny day - great photos! Enjoy your tea :)

  2. What amazing photos, Looks like you all had a brilliant day.

    Thanks for the comment on my blog. Yes I do paper scrap, just do a lot of digi work nowadays, but paper scrapping's where I started from and will always be part of me. I love the versatility of digi and that wherever I and my laptop are, I can do it. xx

  3. great photos,looks like you had a lovely day.

  4. What a lovely day - beautiful weather and yummy things to eat :)


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