Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

The Latest and Greatest News, and OMG it's

Yes People of the blogosphere update your web-browsing thingamajigs and surf on over to my lovely, spangly website I know that this now means I have 1 too many websites but my other one was looking dated and they'll be merging over time.  Believe me though is where it's at!

So much to tell you lovely people, firstly I had a big old blog post on uber fabulous wedding blog Brides Up North, go see what I got up to with chief bridal blogger Julia on Bamburgh beach, not so much Trash your Dress as Rock The Dress

My dear friend Christine is due to have a baby at any moment and I realised that I didn't share some of her gorgeous maternity images so here's a couple for your delectation and delight.

I think we'd all agree that Christines bump is nicer than Mikes!

This graffiti wall has been repainted since we were there so Christine and Michael have a unique piece of art.
I love being able to visit more than 1 location and you can do that if you spend a little more time than usual, maternity shoots don't have time limits, it's your last chance to be glamorous before the little one comes along and that should be celebrated!

I really have been photographing every single day of late and I need to have a serious look at what I've got and blog as much as possible but for now, here's a few more highlights.

Love these ladies who brought back the 1940's for me!

This is Christian, I do still shoot weddings you know, although not quite so many as I used to, this wedding though was a dream, a lovely couple and a great day up at Longhirst Hall considering that it was February, we managed to shoot all of the groups outside even though it was a little chilly.

Vicky really was a beautiful bride and as this was my first wedding of the year Christian and Vicky got it off to a great start.
aww they're just so happy, I love Love!

This lady goes by the name of Daisy Chainsaw and she's all seven flavours of awesomesauce

and this lady is also called Daisy but this is the fabulous Miss Daisy Stays, Daisy does Costumes, Corsets and also puts on a little show called Gullys Emporium and I happened to bump into the lady herself today, I have it on good authority that Cath Kidston handbags are coming soon!

Don't mess with her though or she might just hit you with that frying pan!

and so my lovelies, that just leaves one thing and last but not least Wedding Photo of the year 2010 closes at Midnight on March 13th, if you haven't voted yet please, please, please could you do it now because I'm second and I'd really truly love to win!!


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