On Friday, I had the joyous task of shooting a truly wonderful and very special wedding, let me tell you the story of how it all occurred. A couple of weeks ago I donated a gift certificate to help one of my chosen charities "After Adoption" the gift certificate was won in a raffle by a lovely lady who worked for another charity "Gateway into the Community", she said that she wanted to use the gift voucher for 2 of her charity members who were getting married and couldn't afford a photographer. She then told me Tim and Doreens amazing story. Tim and Doreen both have learning disabilities, their families would not let them get engaged until they had been together for 10 years and then they had to be engaged for 10 years before being allowed to marry. When Fiona told me I immediately said we would scrap the gift certificate, I would go along and shoot the wedding and then send a disk to Fiona who will help them to get the photographs printed. do you want to see some photographs?

Here's Doreen with her mum

and here's groom Tim who was also celebrating his 50th birthday.

The ring exchange

and a very happy couple kiss to seal the marraige. At this point I cried, I think I was just overjoyed to be involved in such a wonderful event.

Isn't she gorgeous?

The wonderful couple.

Gotta love confetti!
It truly was an honour to be able to do something so fabulous on a Friday afternoon and it's an amazing feeling to be able to use your talents for very good use.
So if you are a charity or individual who needs a photographer for an event and really can't afford one please email me with your stories at mandy@mandycharltonphotography.com and I may be able to come along and help you celebrate.
A lovely story and a lovely thing for you to do Mandy. I'll bet they were honoured to have you there.
This is such a moving story - how you held it together I don't know cause I had a tear in my eye too at the kiss photo. So glad that they managed to get married after all that time and wish them both all the luck and love in the world. xx
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