Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunday in the Lake District

Thoughts of Rheged enchanted the children today with the chance of seeing another Imax movie but when we went we found that they don't give you 3D glasses, WTF??? we watched the 3D dinosaur movie in 2D and it really wasn't the same, if you want to see and Imax movie do yourself a favour and get to Bradford, it's a whole lot better!! Anyway we still managed to have an enjoyable day out and spent a while at Ullswater, we had afternoon tea with the biggest pile of fresh baked scones ever at the Howtown hotel, well worth a visit if you're in Cumbria and visiting the northern region of the Lake District!

Not too many photos today, I only took along my 50mm f1.4 and took a smattering of shots.

OOh yes, my husband is a hotty :D

Abigail running down the side of a mountain after chasing sheep or Lammers as Looby calls them!!

Iain on same said Mountain!!

Looooove this one, if you all know me by now I love taking photos of the back of people, notice Looby wearing Pauls big cardi because she was feeling chilly!!

Hopefully this week I might blog more but I can't promise as I'm knee deep in work although not fun photography type work, sadly it's businessy stuff which of course has to be done, luckily starting next weekend I commence a hugely busy period of photography, Yay, only 1 week tommorrow and it's Amy and Shakers wedding and only 1 week on Friday and it's Jayne and Stuarts, I know they're both so excited they could burst right now and as luck would have it I can't wait either, not long to go now guys :D


  1. well pretty darn good for a 'smattering of shots'!

  2. Love the one of the back of the three of them too! Nice to see Iain in front of the camera too, guessing he is a bit more reluctant than the girls LOL!


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