Can't beleive for the first time in 21 years the schools are on strike, I remembering it happening a lot when I was at school in the eighties, no rights or wrong in this really, I completely understand the points of view from all concerned. It has though caused slight chaos here as Abigail and Looby are off and so Iain (who for anyone who doesn't know has asbergers) refused to go to school and no amounts of persuasion, bribes or threats could make him move from his bed to even get dressed. In the end I rang school and let them know the situation but what's a mum to do, It's unlikely that I could carry him down 3 flights of stairs let alone all the way to school! Enough said!
I took these photos of Abigail and Looby last night in the golden hour, no one seemed to notice that I had my pyjamas on! The light last night was awesome though!!

Lovely Laura

Adorable Abigail.
Happy Thursday to all those parents wondering what to do with an unexpected day off today!
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