Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

At home with the Charltons and other random things

It's no big secret that since I started shooting weddings I've always gone to clients houses for consultations and I never really minded although hubby and kiddies weren't too chuffed waiting 2 hours when it started getting dark and they could no longer nash off to the nearest park. The thing is that there's a reason why I always went out. I was pretty much brainwashed to believe that no one would come to my house, that it was dirty and smelly and anyone who did come would turn around, quickly retreat and never come back again. Well tonight I'm taking the pretty big step to start holding consultations at home (EEK< GULP) I've had therapy, I know I'm good enough but I still can't shake the house thing off! The thing is that we're renovating at the moment on a pretty big scale but The Sitting Room and the Kitchen are pretty much finished so why not see people at home, I mean it beats lugging a load of hugely heavy albums all over the north east and if I'm at home it means I can feed my clients cupcakes until they come out of their ears!!

I have a consultation tonight and one tommorrow and the lovely people who are coming have been forwarned that only the kitchen at the livingroom are finished and they''ll have to shut their eyes as they walk through the hall and up the stairs to the sitting-room!

One thing I definetly still need in the sitting-room is some wall art, One of my prints arrived today which I'd had blown up to A3 size but it's far too small, I think I'm going to order a couple of canvases in the new year as I have a pretty enormous wall to fill!

Excitement as Abigail and Laura are angels in the Nativity, Abigail is head angel and has a couple of lines, can't wait for Thursday till the performance :)

Ooh did you know that Rose is coming back to Dr Who in series 4, whats that all about?

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