Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Monday, November 05, 2007

Monday Morning....

And life goes on....

Yesterday unfortunately didn't get any better, first we had to break the news to our children about Kate and there were many tears from all of them, lots of hugs and a huge ice-cream sunday helped. Then just when we were settling down and I was baking cup-cakes we heard a huge scream, Looby had tripped and fallen and as bad luck would have it she split her chin open and Paul had to take her to the hospital to have her chin stuck back together. Today I'm being slightly overprotective and have kept her off nursery, she's on 4 hourly calpol doses to help with the hurties and we've just baked 30 cupcakes which we iced with Vanilla buttercream icing, I think that might just get us through the day!!

I've not really been thinking about work too much but Clients if you're reading there's not very much time left at all to order any canvases you may want for Christmas so get those orders in quicksmart! Also if you could have print orders in as quick as humanly possible that would also be great, then I can relax safe in the knowledge that everyone is happy and will get their products in time for Christmas.

Oh and maybe you just want to buy 1 file to go make some Christmas cards with, well this weeks special is that you can buy 1 hi-res file for only £9.99, if you're interested just go to Mandy Charlton Designs and click on the contact us page or you can email me using the link from my blog!

One last piece of positive news is that our eldest cat Poppy is due to give birth to kittens very very soon, we're keeping 2 and rehoming the rest, clients and friends if you would like a kitten email me, we're not selling them as we want them to go to homes where we know they'll be truly loved so speak up and you might just have a wee kitten by the end of the year.

1 comment

  1. That's lot of cupcakes. Hope Looby is chirpy soon.
    Think of Kate out on a heavenly wiley windy moor, chasing rabbits and having the time of her life.


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