Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Elphaba Takes It Easy

Some of the members of this family spend far too much lying around and snoozing!!!

Oh and Boo Boo is back! He's off to get neutured next week and we're once again trying to get a handle on the doggy training, we're trying from scratch and so far it actually seems to be working, he's such a lovely fluffy puppy really we just need to get some doggy zen around here!!

Elphaba Poppy and Kate Bush don't really seem to mind though so I guess if they're happy we're happy!!

And on that note I'll end the days blogging.

Does anyone actually read my blog? Put your hand up in the air if you do!!! :D


  1. *hand up*
    I do I do......

  2. My hands are both up :D

    Good luck with Boo. Try to be fair but firm. Don't forget he's still a young dog, and even my very old dog has learnt a new trick!

  3. Anonymous9:18 pm

    *raising hand* Today I do! I'm here for the first time through Blog Explosion.

  4. I read it at least once a week!!!!!

  5. Anonymous10:04 pm

    stick 'em up...


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