I adore Autumn, I love the light, I love the colours and I always make time to update our family portraits which we have on the wall. I was just giving a brief guide to autumn portraits over on my forum Craft so don't forget to go and check out
my article written for even the camera-phobic!!
Back to my photos -
So we have gorgeous portraits of Abigail looking Splendid

Looby looking wonderful in black and white

and of course Mr C himself looking just gorgeous.

Tommorrow I'll share Iains Autumn portrait and another wonderous one fo Looby, speaking of whom it's her 4th Birthday tommorrow and Paul and I spent the morning in
Toys"R"Us where we bought her
Doras Talking Cash Register amongst many other Dora the Explorer toys in fact I would go so far as to say that we didn't leave the shop without buying just about 1 of everything with Dora on!!!
If you want to have wonderful photos of your family this year why not check out
Mandy Charlton Designs and book yourself a photoshoot, if you quote Autumn I'll even give you a free 7x5 print.
Autumn is my favourite too. In fact I was just thinking this morning that the colours are coming in already - earlier than last year
damn he is looking gooooooood
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