Oh My Goodness I had to blog about Dexter, now I realise that if you're in the US you'll be getting all excited because of series 2 which I beleive starts on the 30th of September but here in the UK, I've been tuning into FX religiously every sunday evening at 10pm and we're just nearing the end of season 1, for anyone who hasn't seen it Dexter, the very much Anti-hero helps the police in their eternal fight against the serial killers of this world whilst all the while being a closet serial killer himself. I could go on but I really wouldn't want to spoil the fun
So if you're wondering what all the fuss is about I urge you to give it a go, it's keeping me going during the low season, yes that time without House and Lost is beginning to have an effect and I keep missing season 3 of Medium, and talking of mediums when is the Ghost Whisperer returning?
Oh and for those of you watching and raving about Heroes which is now on BBC2, I watched it before the hype on the Sci fi channel, I really am a nerdy sci-fi chick!
Answers on a postcard please.....
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