Is meeting so many wonderful couples and getting to enjoy the celebration of their love, I love this moment from Stuart and Michelles wedding where she was looking on as he made his speech.
I have a little downtime today whilst I prepare for tommorrows wedding so I'm catching up on getting ready some photos for despatch and another batch edited also! I also need to go to the local organic shop to get some more groceries as my husband would have us beleive that we have no food in the house even though the fridge is full of organic vegetables, in the next sentence he says he needs to eat better and I lovingly remind him that if he didn't complain say there was nothing in the fridge and then ask for take-away pizza (which BTW he didn't get, I made him Pitta pockets with tuna and organic gubbins)this wouldn't even be an issue. I'm really clamping down on proper eating this week as I want to get the children back on track for starting school next week. I have to say I let it slip a little during the holidays and didn't complain too much when they asked for sweets and constant ice-pops but this week it's back to fruit, vegetables and plenty of organic rice, pasta and other lovely gubbins. We are lucky to have an award winning organic far shop literally just around the corner. We've been shopping at The Honey Tree since we moved here and it's really the best reason I have for not moving away in the near future, also we now get an organic grocery box every friday from North country organics, this little wonder comes with all the vegetables and fruit you need (to feed an army) for a week plus meat, milk, eggs and bread and all for a bargain £39.99, mmmmmm, I love it!!
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