It was a pretty good week up until I got sick on Wednesday night and since then we've not done a lot really, it seems all that activity which preceeded my downfall may have taken it out of me somewhat and now I'm kind of suffering, I've had the chills, a rash, sickness, and now I have the sore throat to end all sore throats. Still I'm not complaining, well other than about the lack of photos taken over the last couple of days. Still it's allowing me to catch up on editing a little and so I can share a few of Bernies highlights of his visit and indeed the highlights of what has been a very very busy Easter holidays. I've been proud of myself for beating agoraphobia for the last six or so months but it's only now that I truly appreciate it, being able to just get up and go with the children really has meant the world to me, they get so much more from visting galleries, museums, gardens and farms than they ever could sitting in the house with a mum trapped by an evil illness.
So todays photos, first we have Bernie learning to sail boats at the discovery museum in Newcastle.

After that the little chappy learned to fly a helicopter, surely a bear has never accomplished this much in such a short space of time! No wonder the little guy is looking a tad tired!

I'm trying to compile a scrapbook album of his visit and I just hope I finish in time!
One final and very important announcement, 7 years ago today I married the most wonderful man on earth, without him none of this would be possible, I love you Paul, so much even the briefest seperation cuts my soul in two, thank you for all the love and all the happiness you've brought and thank you for showing me that there are people out there who love you for who you are and not for who they want you to be.
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