I came to the mammoth decision to close the Craft Kingdom at the weekend and no sooner had I announced it I received a lovely email from another small forum wanting to do a merger so by the end of this week we should be fully merged with www.craft.co.uk another multicraftual society, I've also started a Myspace group called Crafters are not Twee or CANT for short LOL, it's my hope that we find some members on there and then we can redirect them to the new fabulous forum. I'm really looking forward to working with Phillip who owns craft.co.uk and I think he's genuinely looking forward to it as well, hopefully this is the dawn of the new forum!
Also this weekend we hatched a cunning plan to distract Abigail from having an exhoribitantly expensive party at one of those damned awful child hell establishments, I'm sure you know the places , 50 random monsters of various descriptions running around high on too many e-numbers and paying around a tenner a child for the priviledge, ah well no thanks very much, we're instead going to go and stay away for a night in a travellodge and spend a full day at a Gullivers theme park, a theme park specifically designed for the under 13's, We told her what we had planned and it seems she's quite excited about it, hurrah for that, I class myself as quite a good mum but I just can't stand childrens parties!! Anyway we're planning on getting her just one present for her birthday as we don't have the room and we don't believe in commercialisation,

Personally I think this is every little girls dream and if it were going to be my 5th birthday it's something I would dream about!
OOh almost forgot, whilst we go away I've managed to squeeze in a photoshoot for a lovely internet friend of mine, I'll hopfully be shooting her (she's just lost a ton of weight and is looking fabulous) and her gorgeous daughters. I'm quite excited about it as you all know how passionate I am about my photography. Talking of which it's not long now until my ad appears in the yellow pages and also not long until the local paper is featuring me in an article about the local enteroprise centre, hopefully this will me lots more business and lots more opportunities to photograph gorgeous people and their fabulous families. Don't forget if you live in the north east of England and you're looking for a photographer, I'm available and very reasonable, no Venture Photography prices here!! Email me for more details.
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