Noooo, really? Yes actually I am and I can tell you if my new wardrobe doesn't arrive tommorrow there is going to be trouble, the blinkin thing was suppose to arrive with some burly men to carry it this afternoon between 1 and 3pm and it just didn't show up so I'm not a very happy bunny!
Oh yes if you haven't guessed it's the master bedroom that is getting a makeover, we're going Coastline and Chocolate brown, thats duck egg blue and brown although all the skirting is country beige which is sort of milk chocolate! Tommorrow I'm promised that the curtain pole, the bedding and the totally gorgeous taffeta silk chocolate brown curtains will arrive, OOh I'm thinking they're going to be heavenly and I just can't wait. We've lived without wardrobes for 2 years and the time and finances were just about right for us to actually have bedroom furniture, I'm wondering though if once it's done I'll ever come out again!
Hubby is starting work at 4am in the morning meaning he has to get out of bed at 3.15am, some people don't even go to bed till that time so think of him fondly as you're snoozing the night away, and hubby if you're reading you work so hard to get us the things we need, want and desire and without you life just wouldn't be nice or even possible, we all love you more than words can ever tell you, even if you do pull funny faces whenever I point my camera in your direction :)
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