Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Sharing some recent makes

I've been feeling rather creative this week, funny how when life is hard I resort to craft to keep me sane, it doesn't always work but it does seem to chill me out a little.

The cards are part of my attempt to be more of a cardmaker in 2007, also I wanted to come up with some different types of cards as opposed to the traditional birthday cards, i came up with these as all occasion cards but also for people who have wintery birthdays, much like myself, also it gives me a chance to try and use some of that excess Christmas stash which I seem to have accumulated, I must keep reminding myself, Craft is for life not just for Christmas!

The layout came about because I took this wonderful photo of my daughter the other day, wondeful in all aspects apart from the light just happened to catch her in the wrong way and totally bleached out the top corner of her hair. i had to come up with a way of asving it because firstly look at those twinkling catchlights in her eyes. So I thought lets hide it a bit and the layout and circle theme really started there.

I had a real rant last night and somewhat lost the plot for an hour or two, I think though I needed to do it as i have been bottling up so much lately and if it hadn't come out it would have done damage in the end, I have an appointment with my therapist on thursday and will I be glad to see her!

I did move my blog and then I moved it back again, I decided I'm not scared or frightened so why should i move, i was here first LOL

I think though we're not destined to be in Newcastle much longer, Paul and I both have jobs now where we can easily relocate, paul of course could work for the Royal Mail anywhere in the country and as my job is online it doesn't matter where I live. I have a feeling that although we don't know where or when you can almost certainly guarantee that it will be north-bound.

Happy Sunday dear reader I'm off to finish Sunday Lunch!


  1. I love the middle one, it's really beautiful.
    The act of creating is so soothing. I had forgotten how soothing it is to just draw and have been getting back into the swing of doing it.

  2. Beautiful work :) And hey! I'm glad you're still here, I was off work for 2 nights, and if I had come back and couldnt find you, I would have been upset!! *hugs*

  3. Love that middle card. It's fab.

    If you do move you could always come this way. You;ll have me, goaty and emma to keep you company.


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