Ooh I just love this from Mambi, perfect for my daughter Looby who does indeed go by her Sunday name occassionally, this is just part of a scrumptuous order of goodies soon to be heading to my workplace ;) What a great idea, the only problem is of course being from the US, there are a lot of US names and not many of the british ones, no Abigail and No Iain for instance, well atleast Looby gets her name in sparkles!! There's a Scottish lady I know and her name is also on the way :) Anyway keep a look out at HappyScrapper for their arrival very soon!
So thats been my day really, lots of work and not a lot else, managed to pop out to Asda this afternoon and picked up a scrummy new tunic top to add to my collection but other than that I have been a proper working mum today.
More work for the rest of the week as there are so many things on the way and in addition to that I also have a custom memory book to create, you know I also do those as well, well this one was started in October, held up and now is in the finishing stages or it will be when my new Gold pen arrives, there I was happily finishing off when kaboom, no pen, no idea where it had got to and my other one was bled dry!
Argh, all this talk of gold pens must surely have you falling asleep by now so off I go, till tommorrow dear reader, sweet dreams!!
1 comment
I want my name in sparkles, bet they don't have it. Do they do individual letters? that would be cool. Maybe they need an email.
I love the MAMBI Urban Bling. It's the album I'm doing my wolf day scrapbook in. And I have a couple of the packs.
Ok now I have to go and stroke some stash :D
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