Yes Happy Birthday to my dear son Iain, 10 years old and making me feel like a dinosaur.
It's also Abigails first day at school today, another reason for me to feel old.
So with that in mind a list of 10 reasons that I am still young.
1. It's going to be up to 33 years before I can retire.
2. I still enjoy occasional drunkeness, old people just get tiddly!
3. I still have full control of my bowels
4. My hot flushes are due to a hysterctomy not the menaupause
5. I haven't grown up and had a career yet
6. I can still sing, old people just warble
7. I like Mcfly ( thats a teen pop group, just in case you're old and don't know)
8. I don't have grey hair. (I never will, i shall dye it until I am 90)
9. I hate the supermarket (old people love it and regularly go for day trips, ask my granny!!)
10. I'm still called Mandy (when I am old I shall become Myfanwy or betty, Hubby will become Bert or stan, although Paul has a middle name which will suit him fine when he's old!!)
from Olwen
Happy birthday Iain!
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