I really couldn't imagine life without Paul, he's my best friend, my lover and my soulmate. We have very few wedding photos on account of the fact that we arranged our wedding in a week and we had no official photographer and lets be honest this photo isn't that great, it's appauling quality as it's been scanned by dad and then emailed to me and if this is the best one he has of us on our wedding day I'm wondering if I actually had my eyes open at any time. I knew it was bad when mum said they didn't have any close ups of us, yeah right, thanks for that, glad to see that no one actually took photos of us on our wedding day, I wondered why all the ones I have don't really feature us!!
The sad thing is that actually we don't have any more photographs together, I really need a tripod and 15 minutes where we're both together, he's good humoured and my hair isn't a total mess!! After all this photograph was taken nearly 7 years ago and boy have we changed!

1 comment
I think it's a great photo. Try not looking at it as a photo of you two try looking at it a s a photo of a couple who are very happy and in love then the quality etc doesn't matter as it is what it shows that is the reality.
I may have to bring my camera to your house when I get up there. ;)
O xx
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