Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Clowning around!

You know, after 6 years of marraige and being together for 7 years you would think that Paul and I would have the occasional photograph together but sadly it's not so and on top of that we can't even find the one decent photograph we did have from our wedding seems to have gone astray. So last night I decided that it was time and after a couple of glasses of red left for us by the kindly elf, i took a series of shots, the only problem was my hubby who insisted on pulling hilarious faces on every single one. When I checked this morning, I don't think there's one serious portrait but then I think what I did manage to capture is how much fun being a couple is and how much fun being married to Paul is. We have been through so very much together but now is the time we're starting to get our lives back on track and genuinely laughing and loving each day together, yes we still bicker but mostly thats just to fill the time in. One thing is for sure though, I really do love him and the fact that he's totally gorgeous helps just a little!!


  1. Anonymous10:30 am

    Your photos are lovely Mandy, know what you mean about having photos together we're the same and recently trying to get DH to crack a smile is nye on impossible! Looks like you were having real fun together and I think that adds to the sparkle! Jacqui x

  2. Aww - nice pics even if there are a few daft faces! We are the same - very few photos of us together, although at least we do have the wedding pics. Have you seen the fab self-portraits Amelie has done of her and OH? I hope to try out some tripod fun too - one of these days....

  3. Fun in your relationship at this stage is fab. Thanks for sharing. I really have no piccies too. Think I might have to get my camera out. Thanks for inspiring me.

  4. that is soo soo sweet! My hubby wishes there were more pics of me around but after having a baby..the camera doesn't like me.
    you should print and frame those in a 3 frame and hang it by the it would be the first thing you would see.

  5. Hey, Ellie dropped by and told me to visit you! Very nice pics!
    My hubby won't let me put pics on the net...thinks someone will come and steal me or something!!!
    Sometimes I say silly tongue in cheeks comments...maybe he really thinks someone would come kill me!! LOL
    Enjoy your kids and hubby!

  6. Those are super pictures, thanks for sharing them and a god reminder that I need to do the same and soon.


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