I realised something yesterday, I only ever access my blog through Mozilla firefox and my hubby usually uses IE which I personally hate, anyway for some strange reason I wanted to check something on my blog and used IE and my blog just looked odd, awful, untidy and odd, so if you want the best veiwing platform, please veiw me in Firefox!
Random photo is Looby, photo taken when we were in Scotland, looks better in black and white but you get the general idea, this is the untampered one.
Had to order most of my prints after I had doctored them from Photobox as my printer is past its sell by date, I really need a new one but the girls also really need bunkbeds and I'm kind of thinking that the bunkbeds might be a little more important.
Watching Big Brother last night I gave a huge cheer that both Seezer and Imogen were banned from voting, the plastic 4 really should just go now, they're so spiteful and not people I would get along with at all, anyway I would be far too ugly for Grace to be friends with :D
I'm hoping that Seezer will be evicted on friday but I think the law of averages dictates that it will probably be Lea who will go, she's slightly annoying but not in the same way as The others!!
I tried mozilla and your blog didn't look much different to me.
I usually use IE and it seems ok. will have to have a peek in FF
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