Can you believe Abigail is going to be 4 on Sunday? I certainly can't, it seems just yesterday that she was a teeny weeny, well she was never that small but she was the smallest of all my babies, she weighed 8lb6.5 and I knew from the scan that she was a girl, i was so delighted I can tell you, as after having Iain, I always craved for a wee girl next. Sorry about the quality of the smaller photos, they were a scan from a film camera, all of them taken by my dad, I they she was probably about 7 months in the tartan dress and maybe about 4 months in last photo but Oh my look how she has blossomed, she may have her moments and believe me she does have moments but I am so proud of my gorgeous young lady, she's fiesty, zesty, funny and loves scrapbooking, she's getting good at it now, it can't be too long before she gets published more than me!!
Today I am thankful for my children, I may want to scream into a cupboard every now and then but mostly I am grateful that I have such wonderful poppets and a gorgeous, fabulous supportive hubby.
1 comment
doesn't time fly, it just seems like yesterday you came into our lives my little poppet princess.
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