The photo is of her climbing along the back of the settee on Sunday, trying to avoid me taking photos of her as much as possible, I still managed to take atleast a hundred of her at the weekend! LOL, in the end every time I picked the camera up she ran and hid, even when it meant lying face down on the doormat!!
Paul and I have just had chicken breast, roasted vegetables and new potatoes for our grown up tea, it was delicious and nice to be able to enjoy dinner together, the children had theirs much much earlier enjoying Scrambled eggs on toast followed by apple and grapes and then finally some of their leftover Easter choccies, poor Looby couldn't even manage the chocolate bless her.
there's not a thing to watch on our 3 kazillion TV channels tonight, well nowt I want to watch, plenty of man telly for himself though. Dear reader, it quite frankly amazes me the TV men will watch, thats another whole post in itself!!
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