Still feeling low today, i went to bed at 8pm last night in a vain effort to sleep and it worked, I fell asleep straight away and slept for 12 hours! I must have needed it.
I had a huge arguement with mum yesterday, all because I asked he if she was speaking to me yet and she said that f she could ever think of anything civil to say to me she would, I asked her if she wanted her Mothers day present and card sending up today with Looby and she said, "Debateable, I don't think so" So as you can imagine I am slightly upset about the whole thing, i tolde her that at 54 she should know better than to behave like a child, after all, all we are trying to do is make sure that all of the children get exactly the same treatment from her and she doesn't make favourites. Sometimes you just feel like you are fighting an endless battle, she is the queen of emotional blackmail after all. I won't go in to all the things she has done to me over the years but lets just say the main reason I need therapy is due to my mother.
Right, I'll go now and stare at the maracas in awe again....
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