So we went out to the book shop for coffee and carrot cake, Paul has really bad paranoia at the moment so we're trying to keep away from anywhere that fuels that. I really feel for him when his illness is bad because there is nothing I can do or say to make it better. Anyhoo thats by the by, so we wnt to Borders and I managed to spend around £20 in paperchase buying little books to alter, Easter stamps for the children, a pack of gel pens which has a white one in it, some luggage tags to alter, some stickers and a little notebook for each of the children to encourage them to keep a daily journal, yes I know that I have no chance with Looby and maybe it's a bit early for Abigail but for Iain I think it would really help him a lot with his writing.
So then we went off to Tesco to stock up on ice-cream and pop corn for our movie evening when I spotted an Antony Warrell Thompson chocolate fondue set for the bargain price of £1, yes that's right £1, now the chocolate may run out of date in a couple of weeks but to be quite frank it will be gone by tonight and the fabulous fondue bowl etc will last forever. I also got an AWT Cheeseboard with Cheesewire thingy and 3 AWT chutney set also for the bargain price of £1.
I do love a good bargain and although I detest supermarkets I have come back with a happy feeling today, how much fun are the kids going to have with chocolate fondue and marshmallows. I did miss the big postman though so I have a couple of parcels to pick up from the Depot tommorrow morning, still atleast I know I'll be getting treats tommorrow :)
Sounds like some fun stuff you found shopping! Have a great weekend! :) Tawnya