Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Oh my, this is going to end up costing me money

Have you seen this paper, it's by Rita Marie and called angele, I hadn't seen this paper before but I received an email from Carolinez when I opened my email box this morning and was directed to these beauties, I urge you to go and check them out>HERE

I know that this will end up costing me money! they have some fabby old things over at Carolinez at the moment and for anyone who hasn't shopped there before she's one of those internet stores who posts out as soon as is humanly possible and gives the most wonderful service.

Now then I have great news, all my kits I popped on Ebay have completely sold out, it's a bit unbeleiveable, I can't get my head round it, yesterday there were 8 of them on there, this morning not 1 remains, I think I'm going to have to spend the day making more kits up, only problem is that I have only just ordered some more paper bags from my supplier and I'm not entirely sure how quickly they're going to get here, I have enough I think to do about 4 kits, but if you are reading this and you would like one, just hang on in there, they're coming so keep checking back!

I am going to have to stop for a while soon anyway when I go off to the hospital as I think leaving it to Paul would be putting a bit too much stress on him, so for a couple of weeks, no kits :(

Also this morning dear readers you find me in a slight pickle, I just remembered that I forgot to go to see the nurse yesterday for my zoladex implant, thats the one which keeps me menapausal until my op, now then I have no wishes to have a suddern period of puberty so I'm going to have to ring up and beg as soon as I know that the doctors is open.

Yesterdays news was that I had a fabulous parenting day, I was supermum yesterday with the girls, we made robots out of old Primas of the month boxes in the morning and in the afternoon we cooked sultana scones, chocolate cake and lumpy bumpy cake (fruit cake which went a bot wrong) we had such a great day and there was flour and ingredients everywhere, however last night I was completely knackered. Being a Blue Peter mum is hard work, I think we may try something a little more sedate today.

We do infact have all the children off school today due to some pointless huge national strike by the unison union, it's the biggest industrial action we have seen in this country for years, it's affecting, public transport, government buildings, schools, car parks, the list goes on and on. I have never agreed with strikes as really it doesn't often work, thats enough from me on the subject, I'm off for some more coffee :)


  1. Yes why is the linky thing not working I wonder, I can't figure that one out, if you want to check out Carolinez, it's

    Shame it wasn't playing this morning!

    Blimey cubby you have been on a spendaroo!

    am saying nothing about my outstanding orders :D

  2. Cubby, give me the linky to your shop and I'll pop it on the bloggy bit.

    Peeps if you are looking for some gorgeous altered art or maybe some wonderful handmade cards, jewellery etc, pop down and see Cubby at the Cubby cave, linky thing to follow!


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