Oh yes aren't these just a wee bit exciting? It looks like all the CHA stuff is finally here, loads of sponsors touting there wears already this morning on UKS but these babies really caught my eye. If your purse isn't full I would advise steering clear of Just A Memory
If you have got money to spend on beautiful things then I highly recommend the whole of the new Gin X collection, these piccies are the rub ons and the coasters but just wait until you see some of the papers, Wowee kazowee is all I can say, follow that linky thing to be transported to the very lovely Lorraines shop for fabulous service with a smile and more gorgeous new goodies than you can shake your leg at :D
I know you are thinking what did I buy but really I couldn't afford any of it, I didn't even buy 1 coaster. I am rather fiscally red-cheeked at the moment and my last couple of ebay sales have been cheques so no, I can't quite afford the goodies the noo but as soon as I have spare fundings I'll be running to get the whole collection, rub-ons, coasters the blinkin whole lot!
In other news the heating is broken AGAIN! just waiting for the engineer to come, I think it's the dodgy old thermostat this time, it looks like it was originally installed a gazillion years ago so I reckon it was about ready for a break-down.
My Happy Scrapper job continues to go very well, if you have been keeping up with my sponsor posting every afternoon you'll know how much fun they are, I have had several emails and comments about how funny they are, not sure how many products they are selling but they are certainly getting lots of page clicks, we'll have to see how well they have done when Lyn returns from her Jollies in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile Sarah at HappyScrapper is still giving fabulous service with a great big smile and remember no minimum order and free P&P on all orders over £5 forever. Just in case you haven't been to visit yet, here's the linky thing.
I hope you all have a great day today and remember "There's a worm at the bottom of the garden and his name is Wiggly Woo" Teeeeheeeeheeee :D
Ooo they are rather nice but no crafty spending for me. With just over a week to go until we move we are saving every penny. In fact I can't remember the last time I bought any stash! ;o) I'm doing really well on my stash diet, shame the same couldn't be said about my food diet lol Join me on my stash diet Mand - keep me company and get your car fixed at the same time - result! ;o)
Yep Cubby, the HappyScrapper sponsor posts are by me at the moment, Lyn is off in sunny disneyland have a well deserved rest.
Kirsteen, as paul has just tested the car with 1 newly charged battery it looks like I may well be on that stash diet as it's now looking like it's the alternator. :(
Ooo that is poop news Mand. I can tell you though that being on the stash diet isn't so bad... just think of the moment we can come ditch the diet :o)Kxx
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