Wahey, welcome to my blog, I have to admit to trying this before and it all went relatively well for a while but then I forget to post or I get bored, what can I say I have a low boredom threshold and for me I can never understand why people would want to read about my so called life, all the peoples blogs I read seem to have far more exciting and fruitful lives!
Anyway it's Sunday morning and P, my lovely hubby is off playing footie, his last Sunday league game of the season, they have done quite well and made it to the cup final, he plays in centre mid-field I think, can't be too sure as I really don't get football in any way shape or form but hey if it keeps him happy then I'm happy! Thats him up the top of the post! I made that layout when I was teaching an online class at a recent cyber-crop, I love that photo, I needed one quick, took 2 shots and caught that beauty, I think he's gorgeous but then I am biased!
SO whats instore for all of us for the rest fo the day, well it's a pyjama day today so I'm just slopping about in my casuals and I'll be cooking Sunday dinner when P comes home, hopefully victorious!
Right well I think I have rambled enough for now so I'll be back later.
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