Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Monday, April 10, 2017

Quick and Healthy Lasagne Recipes

I love Lasagne, it's literally one of my favourite dishes to eat and to cook, the problem is that my waistline has rather extended over the winter and so bechamel sauce is not exactly a friend I want to have for dinner.

The lovely people at Dolmio got in touch recently and challenged me to come up some recipes using their sauce which by the way is so healthy now, it contains exactly what you see in this photo and is even included in your five a day!!

Ther best thing is that my children will eat this, they hate tomatoes if there's even a hint of something lumpy and tomato like so I've managed to bamboozle them with the joys of Dolmio, I should also say that the chicken lasagne recipe is also just as good with Quorn if like me you have a veggie child or two!

So it's basically the same recipe using either chicken or mince but I have only got photos of the mince version, the first time I cooked for all of my friends, the light was awful by the time we ate and food should never be photographed under artificial kitchen lights, luckily by the second time of cooking the clocks had gone forward and it was ready in daylight hours!

So here without further ado is my recipe for a healthy, quick lasagne and can I just say that with chicken it's amazing!

So use either 400g of chicken breasts (chopped) or a 400g pack of mince (or quorn etc) and then brown that off.

add a jar of Dolmio and then cook down so you have a lovely thick sauce

meanwhile, layer your dish with lasagne sheets (or butternut squash lasagne sheets if you want to be super healthy).

Now, you're going to layer up your dish with the sauce and then instead of adding the bechamel sauce layer you simply substitute that with Quark, yes Quark, that slimming world staple, when it's raw I hate the stuff but when you cook it in lasagne or cauliflower cheese it's amazing, so cheesy, so tasty and so healthy.  I used 2 standard sized tubs for this recipe.

On the top you can sprinkle grated cheese, low fat, a mix of cheddar and parmesan or whatever cheese you want and then, I like a sprinkle of ground black pepper, a grind of Himalayan pink salt and some freshly ground nutmeg, nutmeg and melted cheese go together so well!

After that, all you have to do is bake it in the oven at gas mark 5 until it's cooked and then it's yours to eat as quickly as you can before other people try to pinch it because it's so good!!

This post is an entry for the #Dolmio #ThankGoodness Challenge, sponsored by Dolmio.


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