Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Tragic of Heaton, aged 43!

Holly Bobbins, dog of Mandy Charlton, photographer, writer, blogger, tragic of heaton aged 43

I didn't blog yesterday, (just in case the less observant amongst you didn't notice) I didn't want to be "Tragic of Heaton, aged 43" and I wasn't feeling funny enough to write anything comical so I thought I'd have a day off, launch the Fairy Squadmother site (go read it, she's way more hilarious than me and she totally has her shit together!) and try to get my hands on as much cake as I possibly could. As it happened Lady Luck was smiling upon me and at the close of the day I'd received no Valentines cards/presents/bouquets but I had eaten 3 different types of cake, I'd consider that a success for at least part of my brain and much the same part as you get with a good snog, cake rarely disappoints though, that's the big difference!

Harriet and I went to The Stand again last night for the anti-valentines night, except it wasn't, all of the comics were happily married and there were more couples there than us singletons, I didn't mind, though, I love, love and I love happy couples and singing Gold by Spandau Ballet at the top of my voice with a room full of tipsy Geordies and a handful of the most hilarious comedians in the northeast was really the icing on the cake! I'm calling it laughter therapy, something which is currently a lot more accessible than actual therapy, yep, still waiting for some clever people to decide what's best to do with me, who knew my brain was so complicated?!

I have a lot of work to catch up on, things have slowed down whilst I've been shaky and I'm conscious of the fact that at the moment I'm just trying to not to put too much pressure on myself, my tolerance to stress is at the moment not brilliant but I am going to get there and then I will be better than ever.  My London train tickets I bought for March are going to be put to good use, I want to take Abigail with me and we'll just go and do fun stuff for a few hours, it's years since we were last in London together and I know that she'll appreciate it so much plus it means we'll be together on Mother's Day which is also lovely.

You know, in this life we do not know why some things work and some things don't.  Someone gave me a great analogy the other day, I won't say in reference to what but I thought it actually summed up my life a little, the analogy was "Like putting a marshmallow into a coin slot" too funny not to share but it's a bit like trying to fit a star shaped peg into a badly fitting square hole, sometimes life sort of fits but it just doesn't, it's like having all of the ingredients for a cake but you're one short, you know you could still make the cake and it would be passable but it wouldn't be the cake you'd set out to make and it would probably taste a little off, that's kind of my life currently, in the words of Roy Walker "It's good but it's not right."

I'm going to end today with some words from my favourite philosopher who's quotes pretty much get me through my daily life, he said "Basically at the very bottom of life, which seduces us all, there is only absurdity and more absurdity and maybe that's what gives us our joy for living because the only thing that can beat absurdity is lucidity."

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