Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Saturday, January 07, 2017

Holly Bobbins - Photograph Hater

It's the weekend and so Mama said I could write on her blog, she's translating from Beaglease which explains my perfect English again but I wanted to take this opportunity to get some things off my chest, my mama calls herself a photographer, she's quite good at it actually until she starts pointing her camera/phone at me, apparently she needs lots of photos of us together and then some of me on my own, as much as she tries to explain about family and history, I just don't understand the need for her incessantly pointing the blooming thing at me.  I'd like to walk you through just a few of her ridiculous beagle selfie (as she calls them) moments and perhaps by the time we get to the end you will leave comments telling Mama she needs to stop this ridiculous photo taking thing!

I'm on the way to work with Mama and I'm looking out of the window pretending not to notice she's pointing that camera at me

Mama has been out for New years Eve, I am too busy guarding us to be in photos

Mama has been out at too many Christmas parties this week and I'm not happy about it at all

"Oh for goodness sake, let's just get it over with quickly again can we, I have sleeping to do"

"Oh yes, I like the KT dog and it means that mama is temporarily distracted, KT always smiles in photos, she's a show dog you know"

"Mama took me to her Inspire meeting again, I love the Inspire Ladies and I love the snuggles from all of the ladies but no one mentioned photos"

"The woman is a menace, look at that grin, I hope she's going to pay me in biscuits"

"Why, Why, Why Mama?  You're wearing your pyjamas and you still want photos"

"I can't even..."

"Let's not talk about this shall we, let's just move it to the side, press the delete button and never speak of it again"

"Oh black and white, yeah, mama, arty, lets just go with that shall we?"

"Why on earth do I need photos with my human sisters, they see me nearly every day"

"Oh for goodness sake, I'm a puppet, a posing puppet, she'll be having me busking for spare change next"

"I was having a lovely time with Auntie Harriet until Mama came to pick me up and insisted on having a photo because she hadn't seen me for 2 whole days, honestly, I don't get paid enough for this"

And so dear mama's readers, all you need to do is leave a comment asking Mama to stop this infernal practice and I'm sure she'll listen although I think she might be subjecting me to beagle selfies for many years yet, excuse me while I go and throw up in the corner or eat all her swucculent swocks...


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