Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Friday, July 22, 2016

37 Sleeps until Barcelona!!

summer holidays in spain

Finally it's the end of term, just this one day to go and then my lovely daughters should be home by early afternoon, I am on a mission to catch up with work, get ahead even so that no barriers stand in our paths.

Last night, Harriet came over, my children see her as a piece of the furniture anyway, it's great they think like that, I'm sure it's far more fun, mum having friends than worrying about mum having boyfriends, well kids, I can reassure you right now, mum isn't likely to get a boyfriend any time soon, mum is happy, having too much fun, mum loves being single!!

Here's the thing though, you're the first to know, after the next few weeks of visiting Yorkshire, Perth, Stratford upon Avon, York, Edinburgh and Northumberland, Harriet and I are jetting off for 5 nights on our own to....Barcelona!!

I couldn't be more excited about this summer, I'm going on a holiday with a friend and without my teens, I've never done that before, sunbathing, culture, food, adventure, exploration, Gaudi.  It's somewhere I've always wanted to visit and Barcelona airport just didn't cut it when I was there in November flying home from the Norwegian Epic cruise.

I did have a moment of parental guilt but I figured the girls should spend some time with dad this summer and I was already giving them weeks of different experiences,  in truth I try to give them new and interesting experiences as often as I possibly can because life should be about memories.

For the next six weeks I'll be working from home at a much easier pace, well at least that's the intention,  Iain is now well trained in the art of admin, dog sitting, home sitting and indeed cat visiting, in fact we've even talked about him going out into the world and joining Trusted House Sitters so he can see the world whilst being paid to care for others houses, pets and belongings as well as Pokemon hunting, I can't tell you what this app has done for my son, he's getting up in the mornings, he's going out with friends every day, for the first time he wants to be out there travelling, it really is the good that tech can do.

4 sleeps until Yorkshire
10 sleeps until Perth
26 sleeps until Stratford upon Avon
37 sleeps until Barcelona

Truly the best summer ever has begun.

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