Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

The Living Room Restaurant in Newcastle, New Summer Menu

Last week my girlfriends Harriet, Laura and I were invited to go to the Living Room in Newcastle to sample the delights of their new summer menu.  Now I have to admit that although I'd been to the Living Room for drinks in the past I'd never actually eaten in their restaurant despite hearing good things. 

It was a Tuesday night, the beautiful space was quiet, no one seems to go out in Newcastle during the week anymore which is such a shame, I wonder if restaurants are suffering because of the rise of Deliveroo which means you can have your favourite restaurants food at home so no need to go out?  Or I wonder if it's just a sign of the times, the economy not being what once it was and everyone keeping their purse strings just that little bit tighter?

The Living Rooms magnificent architecture is a glance back to it's past history as a bank, it's lovely to dine out somewhere with such handsome surroundings though I did feel it lacked a little ambience and cosiness but maybe it has a different feel at weekends when it must surely be bustling.

The menu offered a large selection, their new superfood salads certainly seem to have the flavours of summer, Laura and Harriet sampled the Halloumi salad as a side and said it was delicious.

I though plumped for my favourite foods, Scallops followed by Steak followed by Cheesecake, I'm a creature of habit and I think if you are going to ascertain the quality of food you should always gauge them by choosing your favourite foods.  The Living Room certainly didn't disappoint with any of the course, the scallops were cooked perfectly and delighted the palate with the interesting mix of purple potatoes, and the steak was perfectly cooked and presented nicely upon a sturdy wood chopping board.

For me the puddings are always the highlights and also the success or fail of a meal, have a good dessert and you'll remember the meal forever, have a bad pudding and you'll only go away with the disappointment of your last mouthful.  It's lucky then that the baked cheesecake perfectly teased my tastebuds with it's creamy cheesy goodness and I know that I'll return to the Living Room with family and friends on future occasions.

The Living Room offers a full menu and also a special priced two or three course menu with just a taste of their offerings.  I'm not much a fan of low priced concentrated menus I as I sometimes feel their contents is so abbreviated you'll never really get a taste of what's actually good.

I'd say if you're going to eat at the Living Room go at a weekend, enjoy the relaxed service, you don't at any point feel rushed but at the same time it's not by any means slow.  Indulge in a porn star martini, my personal favourite though I can only ever manage one because the passionfruit is so sweet but I love the fact you get a Prosecco shot on the side.

I want to thank the Living Room for furnishing us with splendid food and a round of drinks in exchange for an honest review, these are my words, my feelings, my thoughts and this was one north east Lady who came home with a happy face and full tummy, it's probably just as well I accidentally climbed a mountain just a day later.


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