Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Friday, June 17, 2016

Be The Success In Your Own Life

I don't know about you but just lately I feel there's been a change in the air, suddenly everything seems to be working for me, I feel happier, healthier, more confident and more successful than I've ever been before.

So many doors have opened for me in the last couple of months, maybe because at last I feel in total control of my own destiny and whilst I know that I've still a long way to get to where I want to be I also feel like I am making the right decisions to help me get there.

I've got some new projects I'm going to be working on over summer, teaching pupils to be the business ninja in their startups at School of Tech and helping women get their whole brand image in just one day with Business Who? To Business You!

Whilst at the heart of it I'll always be a photographer it feels right to pass on knowledge now, my blog was 10 years old in February and Mandy Charlton Photography will be 9 years old on the 22nd of June.

I've had some amazing success, I've made some stupid mistakes but I'm more resilient than ever before, I'm human enough to say "yeah, I did that too" but I'm motivating enough to also say to people "come on, be the success in your business"  You see only you can be the success in your own life, it doesn't mean making the most money or being the most powerful business woman (or man) that ever there was, it's about being happy, being positive, inspiring others and pushing forward, taking things in new directions if necessary, you can be your own hero, you can be your own success. If you have children they'll always believe you are a superstar, to your pets you will always be the most important person and if you have a partner and family who have stuck by you and who push you on no matter what then every time you make them proud that's validation that you are a success.

You don't have to be happy in every moment of your life but your life is far too short to be unhappy. Stay away from negativity, from rain cloud people, from narcissists and saboteurs.  Don't entertain people who make you sad or treat you with passive aggressive distain because you are worth more than that.

If you are reading this today and you've just been offered a challenge, a progression, an opportunity then think of the words of Richard Branson, go forth and screw it, just do it.  To fail is to not try, if you try and you fail you've learned something, if you don't do anything you'll never ever know what might have happened and you never know, your new path might be the best thing you've ever done whether that be personally or professionally.

In the last few months I've taken on several new projects, I've started running, I've lost weight, I've trimmed down and I've smiled mostly every day, there's one thing for sure and I feel I am the success in my own life and nothing can stop me now!


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