Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Friday, April 08, 2016

The View From Sutton Bank, North York Moors

This week has been long and damp and to be honest I'm looking forward to the return to work next week, Looby and I have managed some days out and it's been lovely with her being officially well again, 6 weeks of our lives we'll never get back, worse for her than me of course but we will certainly always remember this time in our shared history.

On Wednesday a trip to Yorkshire was just what the doctor ordered for me, I long to walk over hills and vales, as a travel writer who hasn't been anywhere for over 6 weeks I'm starting to feel a little stir crazy, you see I long for travel, my feet are perpetually itchy, I spend hours looking at destinations and trying to plan trips as well as pitching for assignments to companies and editors for travel writing/photography. But with 6 weeks behind us it's been difficult to do anything other than live in the moment from day to day never knowing what's around the corner and not daring to even think of a trip in case Looby got ill again.

Being at the top of Sutton Bank in North Yorkshire is like being at the top of the world, rolling hills and verdant sweeping countryside down below, the whole of North Yokshire lying at your feet, open to the elements it can be sunny down below and still it's windy and fresh so high up.  This bank of myth and legend where cars would get stuck driving up it during the 70's and 80's on day trips to Flamingo Land, I'd driven up it many times over the years but never had I actually taken a breath and stopped at the top to admire the beautiful views.  

I'm delighted to say that it did not disappoint, the day was stormy and the skies were threatening, petulantly stomping their feet wanting to release their contents over the valleys below.  I'm still not sure how we escaped a soaking but as I watched the clouds emptying as I stood on the highest point I felt at one with the heavens above, shafts of light cutting through the dark turbulence of the skies around me.

To take a moment in time just for me is a rare thing indeed but just for a while, I broke with the constraints of the day and simply enjoyed all that surrounded me and it left me re-engaged with nature, with the elements, it left me craving even more for travel and adventures new, near and far, we live in such a beautiful country that I'm always happy to write about British travel but at the moment my soul is craving for sunshine and new overseas horizons.  I had planned to take a break when Looby goes on her school trip to Wales but it's pretty much financially dependent, I have a couple of weeks to get business, life, schedules and finances back on track before my girl goes off to deepest darkest Wales for her farming experience week at Treginnis Farm, she's going to love every minute, she craves for animals and experiences of farming as much as I crave to travel.  We both are outdoor adventurers deep down I think.

I'm not a landscape photographer, I'm a travel photographer, there's a huge difference so if my landscape photographer friends are looking in then I apologise, I should have been there at dusk or dawn instead of two in the afternoon but just like the things I do differently when I am shooting portrait photography in Newcastle I think I bring the same to travel and landscapes, I simply shoot the way I see and, I always see in photographs.


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