Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Newton Hall Wedding Photography - The Story of Becky and Adam

Becky and Adam first came to see me at my office sometime around the beginning of last year about their upcoming Newton Hall wedding and being a Northumberland wedding photographer who happens to adore Newton Hall I of course crossed my fingers that they would book, I'd previously met Kim (Adams mum) who runs Love Cake By Kim when she made a simply amazing cake for Erika and Colins wedding the previous year.  I think we'd got chatting and got on really well so when daughter in law to be Becky was looking for a photographer for her beautiful wedding at Newton Hall she came with her and i'm happy to say they loved what I showed them and they booked.  There's a warmth about Becky and Adam which makes you feel cosy, they're both gorgeous, they're both talented and clever and they're also just lovely people, their wedding was filled with warmth and stories about them and tears, lots and lots of happy tears, strong men with chubby tears running down their cheeks, caught up in a rollercoaster of emotion, it's actually the most beautiful thing to witness, men if you're reading this, I don't care what they say, it's never wrong to show emotion and we ladies actually love that kind of thing.

When I arrived at the wedding Becky had a glow about her that you only see with brides to be, I can't describe it, it's like they're shining from the inside, have you ever heard old ladies talk about new brides and how they glow?  It's something I've truly noticed in 10 years of shooting weddings, it's like a magic inside them lights up, of course we know that magic is true unending love.

There was so much excitement and giggling from that room, mostly due to a very cute adorable flower girl who I think at one point said she might come to the wedding, she was going to have a think if it was important enough to fit into her busy schedule.

I should also give mention to the groomsmen who were so well dressed they could have been filming an 1940's style Rat pack film.  I've never seen so many well groomed men in one place.  It was like no attention to detail had been missed and I noted that most of the male guests were so well matched it was clearly by design more than accident.

There's something magical about Newton Hall, I may have said this before but when you put it together with love and marriage it's just perfection on absolutely every level.  The staff make you feel like you're part of their family and nothing is too much trouble, put that together with 100 or so guests who also make you feel like part of their wonderful welcoming family and you have the perfect wedding.

Let me now share some favourite moments from one of my most favourite weddings I've ever photographed.

I adore these flowers by Vicky at the Floral Quarter in Gosforth, she's my favourite Newcastle Florist and she just creates amazing floral bouquets, they're like art, it's something I would love to be able to do.

If you would like to talk to me about photographing your wedding at Newton Hall or anywhere else in the region (or maybe even further afield) please do visit wedding photographer Newcastle or you can email me or even contact me through my facebook page


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