Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Saturday, March 21, 2015

It's not about things, it's definitely not about things....

Come on, repeat it with me, it's about experiences, it's not about things...

Well except that I've had one of those rare moments where it actually was about a thing, you see it's been 2 years of love I've had with my iPhone 5 but our time had come and much as I loved it I upgraded - 

I know, I sound like a materialist or a capitalist but honestly I think apart from cameras my phone is the centre of my business with this one thing I can run my business from anywhere in the world.  One of the things is that the camera on my iPhone boasts a camera with a 10fps burst, that's incredible, I tried it today and took 28 photos quicker than I blinked!  Now just to compare this, my wonderful Fuji XPro1 shoots at 6fps and that is plenty for the average 3 year old who's running around wildly and no I'm not likely to start shooting portrait sessions on an iPhone but hell yeah I'm going to try it just to compare how it is.

For me there's always been something slightly disingenuous about the Instagrams that I post, i.e. it feels a bit wrong to upload professional photographs to Instagram because it clearly misses the point of it being in the moment and from the hip which I think is what an Instagram is all about but at the same time the average camera phone is not going to please the eye of the average professional photographer so I'd like to give this a go in some good light with a small person and shoot half an half and give them a proper comparison.

If you have got this far then well done, you'll be rewarded soon I promise... here goes, If you have a little one possibly about 4 or 5 and you would like a completely complimentary photo shoot with the understanding that half of it is going to be shot on my regular professional camera that I've used on every session since last March and the other half is going to be shot on an iPhone 6 then leave a comment on this blog post and we'll fix it up, if more than 1 person comments I'll do a draw.  You'll get all of the edited images and I'll edit them both in the same way as I normally do!

Please note that you have to be available in the evening as that's when the best light of the day is, think an hour before sunset sometime over the next week and if that's not a clash with bedtime then I'd love to hear from you.

I can't actually believe I am doing this but hey, it'll be an interesting experiment for sure!


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