Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Monday, November 17, 2014

Kirkley Hall Christmas Fair, Newcastle Christmas Continental Market and festive photo shoots in Saltwell Park

Good Morning dear reader, it's been a bit of bumper weekend and I'm not sure how we managed to squeeze so many wonderful things in but it's definitely been a good one.

On Saturday the girls and I went to the Kirkley Hall Christmas fair and had a thoroughly festive time, I had mulled cider, the girls did zipwiring, Looby rode a pony, the both went on a big wheel and we bought just a few Christmas presents, it's been lovely this year not working the whole weekend and being able to get into the Christmas mood doing festive things on the 1 day off at weekends.

Yesterday Looby and I went to Saltwell Park for a couple of early photo shoots and then into town for the Christmas continental market which is as ever based around the monument area of Newcastle, I really do recommend a trip, I had an obligatory mulled cider though if I'm honest it wasn't as nice as the one I had at Kirkley Hall but Looby didn't complain about the crepe she had and you know what? It's lovely just wandering around and it definitely fills you with a little festive spirit or actual spirit if you indulge in one too many mulled beverages!

Last weeks suggestions on our family to-do board were written by me and Looby and I managed to do all of them, they ranged from cuddling friendly animals to talk to squirrels, last night I noticed that Looby had written this weeks suggestions which made me smile a lot, I think if we can do all of these things this week it'll probably be the most amazing week we've had this year, I especially can't wait to sing a happy song together as a family and obviously I'm crossing my fingers for adopting a beagle though we still haven't heard about the home check, it'd be good if that happened on a tuesday after the cleaner has been, it's the highlight of my week you know!

Today I am going into my office and I am so near to being up to date for the first time this year that I hope I can achieve everything I have written on the business to-do list on my head, oh and let me share a couple of photos from this weekends family photo shoots in Saltwell Park, since I've changed my pricing to a flat £25 for a half hour in Tynemouth, Saltwell Park or Jesmond Dene things have gotten busy so if you would like to capture some wonderful family memories before Christmas please do get in touch, it'll be your most favourite thing you've done this year...hopefully!  Get in touch via my website, my facebook page or via email


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