Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Monday, May 19, 2014

Writing the book, I've begun

Yesterday I started to write the actual book for Uk Cityscapes, at the moment the working title is "Postcards from the City" it may change of course depending on popularity and publishers but it's a
good working title.

One of my favourite images from the top of the radio tower in Liverpool, spot the travelling ants down below!

I have an enormous decision to make as well, do I publish a photo book full of the UK cityscapes and then another book "Postcards from the City" which tells the adventures of the whole project?  Which one would you buy?

At the moment I'm keeping a folder of images separate to the actual text in case it actually does become 2 books.  Thinking of book buying, if you end up with a book which has 300 pages and then another 300 images it just doesn't seem a good idea to publish a tome like "War and Peace"

The story of the adventure and the crowd funding certainly make for a great and sometimes humorous read, I've been immersing myself in lots of travel books for research trying to learn the art of painting a picture of a city without actually plonking a photograph in between paragraphs but I think I'm getting there and I am truly excited about the book.  If the first 2 chapters and the introduction are anything to go by I'm pretty sure that you dear reader are going to love it.

I'm pleased to say that my blog now gets up to 600 views a day which is amazing, and I have readers from all over the globe, particularly the UK, Australia and the USA, this of course is one of the reasons that becoming a business investor for my project would be great for your business, you can find out more about becoming a business investor HERE

This week is all about securing the remaining investment I need for the first part of the project and that's where you dear reader come in, if you haven't ordered your book yet or you'd like to own a piece of art from the project then click HERE

I'll be back tomorrow, hopefully with news of next weeks travel schedule, I'm taking advantage of half term and intend to visit at least 3 or 4 cities next week, possibly Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield and Wakefield.  I did ask the girls,  but one said Inverness and one said Cardiff so I took the middle ground and they'll both be joining me for 2 days each.  This of course means negotiation and bargaining about how much photography I am allowed to do before we have to visit the nearest museum, big wheel or attraction but that dear reader is all part of the adventure.


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