Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Durham City 3/69 in the UK Cityscapes Project

So we've covered Newcastle and we've covered Liverpool, the next city on my list was Durham

Durham is a petite beautiful old city in the North East of England, home to Durham Cathedral and Castle which sit on a hill above the city and immortalised by Roger Whittaker in his song Durham Town you'll never forget your visit to this beautiful city.

If you're travelling by train like me you'll step out of the train station to be greeted by this amazing cityscape

if you want even better views of the city all you need to do is go through the tunnel to the other side of the station and climb up the stairs to end up in Wharton Park where you'll see this

but that's not the only way to view Durham, I took a cruise on the Price Bishop Cruiser and an hours amble along the river at a leisurely pace commenced with interesting commentary by the captain full of facts and tidbits of information about all things Durham and these were a few of the views

There's also the view I found out of the window on the way up the stairs in the Prince Bishops shopping centre

Without a doubt, one of the things I've noticed about Durham is the amount of trees they have in the city, it's got to be one of the most tree lined citiesof the uk, so much so that they do obscure a few views but hey, it's better to be surrounded by trees than an urban jungle, incidentally if you look closely at this image you'll see Durham prison amazing how it's just nestled there at the back of the city!  I don't recommend you ask for bed and breakfast there though!

There is one other view which I didn't achieve, I was there with the girls and we made it to the Cathedral just after 5pm to find that it closes at 5.30pm, now you can climb the central tower of the cathedral but it's 325 steps up a spiral staircase and on the posters they warn that even the healthy may feel breathless, it didn't inspire me, mostly because I remember climbing 284 steps of the Scott Monument last year and my daughter telling me at the top that maybe I should have brought some water!

So that's Durham in all it's glory, next stop on this crazy UK Cityscape tour is Carlisle, I visited on a soggy day yesterday, photos coming soon.

If you would like to help me crowd fund my way around the 69 cities of the UK you can do so Here
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