Newcastle Photographer and Content Creator, Mandy Charlton, Always on a quest for adventure, often seen on buses, trains and planes. On a quest to be happier and healthier. Lives in Newcastle with her 3 cats, Iris, Maggie and Arthur. Loves good vibes, musicals and cakes. Full time professional wedding photographer in the north east of england alongside content creator on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook

Monday, May 02, 2011

The Charltons go camping and other wonderous holiday activities

This week off has been bliss, nearly 10 whole days with the kids and for several of them even hubby managed to be not at work.  on the Easter weekend we entertained ourselves at Kielder and then Belsay Hall and then this weekend we went on our inaugural camping trip!

Staying at Dunroamin Farm Camping and Caravan Site in Kirkinner on the beautiful Southwest coast of Scotland we had a blissful weekend and I have to say that living under canvas officially rocks!  I have to say that the site itself was gorgeous, the most amazing display of stars I have ever seen and the facilities were all beautifully clean one thing I had worried about.  I'd thoroughly recommend staying there, especially if you have kids because they have loads of stuff for the kids to do including a games room, adventure playground, basketball ring and plenty of balls, they even have a sandpit!!  Our kids also made friends with the other kids on site which was so lovely.  Here's some highlights of our Easter breaks

Starting with one taken by Iain, yeah he's getting good though I've given him a tip to try not to cut his sister off doing arty things!

Kielder, just as we were leaving on the Osprey ferry

Love this one of Iain but oh my he's getting so big, he could be in a boyband!

The Creetown Gemrock museum, I swear that Looby has a career in comedy ahead of her, love the gemrock museum, definitely a must visit if you're staying in the area, kids will love it.

Wigtown is gorgeous but if you have a chance walk down to the harbour for views like this, absolutely gorgeous!

Adore this portrait of Looby, she wasn't the happiest of bunnies when this was taken

Next to the Caravan site was several farms and an evening walk with Looby meant that I got to photograph some of them.

This is the view you wake up to every morning, I'd swap Newcastle for here any day of the week

One of the local sheepdogs, love this photo

Yesterday we went to the Logan Botanic Gardens, what an amazing coastal garden this is and we had the perfect day to visit it.

Looby in amongst the bluebells in the woodland at Logan

and of course the Gunnera is at it's most magnificent at Logan, definitely a highlight, I just wish the Gunnera in our garden would grow as big as it does at Logan

Finally got a photograph of all my gorgeous kids together, proud mummy I am

The Mull of Galloway, Scotlands most southerly point, some great views and plenty of wildlife

Now there's a cool portrait of the kids

The beach at Port Logan, next time we will get to the Logan Fish Pool

Last night we went for dinner at Portpatrick, one of my favourite little Scottish villages, if I was going to move to Scotland I'd love to live somewhere like this.

Last night I just managed to catch the sunset as we returned to our tent, I'm so thankful to be blessed with such a brilliant little family who enjoy our adventures as much as I do.  Without them, none of this would be a possibility.

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